dimanche 9 juin 2013

When Poverty Paves The Way To Faith

In abject poverty, populations have no other choice but to stick to that whichich is displayed to them. Here, it is the faith in a miracle working God. As you can see in the photo graph, the young mother is in total despair. According to her story, the baby spent the night crying for no reason. And, as situations make things, she does not have money to take the child to hospital.
Automatically, her thoughts are directed towards God's servant-the prophetess. You can see God's servant is casting demons away from the child's body.
For those of you who want to see the demons flee, note that even i who took the photograph saw nothing. But, i talk of of casting demons away because of the "warfare" and "battle field" kind of language the prophetess uses in her prayers.
NB: The mother did not take her child to a medical practitioner. So, do not expect a medical diagnosis and eventually some kind of medical treatment. Besides, the prophetess' bills are not as high as hospital bills. Upon her counselling, it's a matter of faith. You just have to believe.
For the story's man that i am, i guess i too have got to have faith so that this whole thing makes sense and help me understand. I guess much of the details will be mystifying news...

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