mardi 10 février 2015

Beer House Parliament Politicians

   Everything put equal, to a certain extent, this country is a democracy with freedom of expression verified on a daily basis.
The political landscape over here is just as varied as there are green plants in the Equatorial rainforests which make up a large proportion of our country's territory.
 The MRC; a relatively new political party born last year and eventually participated in the double Municipal and Parliamentary Elections that took place in Cameroon in 2014. The courageous men and women who ventured in the creation of this political party, really did attract the sympathy of many Cameroonians. With respect to the different territorial districts in which the MRC ran for election, voluntarily, a great number of electors gave them their support, gave them a chance. But, as history now holds it, the MRC did not win what it dreamed of. Though its fight was worthy to be appreciated.
 Now, 2015 has come. The party works to forge ahead and gain more recognition. But, the Yaoundé II district constituency of this political entity has put forward an image that instead inspires disgust rather and shame. Rather than the faith the populations once bestowed on it. Because, for any body with a minimum of sound intellectual faculties, what was seen lately is not encouraging.
The other day, it is with negative exclamation that I saw partisans of the MRC in the YAOUNDÉ II district constituency come and held  their political bureau activities before onlookers in a neighbourhood bar while drinking alcohol (Beer) as if their party (MRC) has not got offices of its own, in which to accommodate such meetings. These alcohol addicted politicians, once in an advanced state of drunkenness, became rowdy and worthless in the eyes of those who once believed in them. Passersby witnessing with horror the degradation of what used to be their hope.
Nonetheless, these die-hard alcohol addicted politicians refused to give way for any remarks susceptible to make them change their behaviour. So, as i watched them boose, it was in a highly drunken state that these "pseudo politicians" took their 2015 new year resolution. I wonder how effective this resolution might be!