jeudi 29 novembre 2012
Emancipated "Trisomia 21" Spokeswoman
-This is Tatiana. A young girl suffering from "Trisomia 21"complications.
In total ignorance,coupled with the obsession of a loving parent who wants to do good to her daughter,Tatiana's mother made a very big mistake as she got this child enrolled in a primary school for normal children. The truth is,we cannot say "Tatiana was going to school". What we can say for sure is that,"Ttaina accompanied other children to school". We prefer saying so because,in that primary school,Tatiana spent 6years without being capable of learning how to hold a pencil-given her illness,talkless of how to write the letter "A".
Instead,she was the bizarre attraction within the school campus. Her classmates and other pupils made a mockery of her,frustrating the child to the extent that she stopped going to the schoolso as to have her peace of mind.
-It took the love and know-how of a specialised teacher who decided to take Tatiana and other patient children as students. Here,in a short laps of time,Tatiana had learnt how to hold a pencil and write.She now knows how to write all the letters of the alphabet and even her name.
-The finger in the nostrilis a characteristic sign of retarded brain development in "Trisomia 21"patients. Tatiana is 16 but,has the brain of a 9year old child. Imagine the kind of difficulties she faces vis-à-vis her peers! Hence the creation of a training and caring centre for children who have the same difficulties like Tatiana. Endeavour to give them a change in their lives,rather than keeping them at home 24hrs a day,7days a week. Giving them all sorts of odd and degrading things to do.
-Please,we beg of you. If you have a brother\sister suffering from"Trisomia 21"complications,do not let this person become a jackass.
mardi 6 novembre 2012
Gosses De Prévaricatuers

Elément dangereux dans tout ceci c'est que::
-Ces jeunes ne maitrisent pas bien la conduite sur nos routes.
-Pour les moins de 15 ans,lors des contrôles policiers,une fois leurs permis de conduire demander,ces enfants sortent la carte de visite de papa.
Et,parce que nos agents des forces de l'ordre,devant cette carte de visite,se savent tout petit. C'est ainsi qu'ils laissent circuler ces enfants de riches en toute impunité.
Et même quand un accident arrive,aucune enquête n'est ouverte,aucune responsabilité n'est établi.
lundi 29 octobre 2012
Ingénieuse Eglise Catholique Au Cameroun
Selon la nouvelle manière de faire des églises pentécôtistes qui consiste à prier pour les fidèles question de satisfaire leurs besoins immédiats,bon nombre de personnes vont de ce côté-là remédier à des besoins ponctuels qui sont dans la plus part des cas:
1-Trouver un emploi
2-Trouver un mari
3-Avoir son visa pour voyager à l'étranger,être délivré des esprits maléfiques. etc.
C'est ainsi que au Cameroun,un prêtre exorciste soutenu par l'arch-évèque de Yaoundé a crée le mouvement carismatique [EFFATA] Dans ce mouvement pas du tout considéré comme déviationiste,les pratiques sont telles que prêtres et autres disciples,crucifix à la main,s'évertuent à chasser des démons qui pour une raison ou une autre dérangent les hommes et femmes qui se sentent tourmentés.
En éffet,cet ajustement structurel bien réussi et donc la venue est apprécié par les nombreux adeptes permet à l'église catholique au Cameroun de prendre un bol d'air frais. Et,surtout de garder le cap sur ses missions. Ne pas être étourdi par tout le ramdam que font ces nouvelles églises-là.
1-Trouver un emploi
2-Trouver un mari
3-Avoir son visa pour voyager à l'étranger,être délivré des esprits maléfiques. etc.
C'est ainsi que au Cameroun,un prêtre exorciste soutenu par l'arch-évèque de Yaoundé a crée le mouvement carismatique [EFFATA] Dans ce mouvement pas du tout considéré comme déviationiste,les pratiques sont telles que prêtres et autres disciples,crucifix à la main,s'évertuent à chasser des démons qui pour une raison ou une autre dérangent les hommes et femmes qui se sentent tourmentés.
En éffet,cet ajustement structurel bien réussi et donc la venue est apprécié par les nombreux adeptes permet à l'église catholique au Cameroun de prendre un bol d'air frais. Et,surtout de garder le cap sur ses missions. Ne pas être étourdi par tout le ramdam que font ces nouvelles églises-là.
samedi 20 octobre 2012
Nos Pigmés Sont En Voie De Disparition
Caractéristique et partie intégrale de notre fôret tropicale equatoriale africaine,les Pigmés [personnes de petite taille indigène de la fôret qui vivent de la chasse et de la cueillette] sont entrain de disparaitre.
Il se passe que,les Camerounais dit modernes ayant des plantations gigantesques prennes petit-à-petit l'habitat naturel de ce peuple de la fôret. C'est ainsi que:
1-Ces pigmés se voient imposés des prix ridicules comme paiement pour des hectars de terrains vendus.
2-Leurs terres ne sont plus fertiles:conséquences de l'utilisation abusive d'engrais et de pesticides par ces plantations qui naissent de partout. Ceci à un point où même le Manioc qui est l'aliment de base de ces Pigmés-là ne pousse plus comme jadis.
Aussi,il a été découvert que nos frères Bantus installer comme auxilliares de l'administration gouvernementale là-bas,exercent sur ces Pigmés une forme de mini esclavage qui ne dit pas son nom. Ce qui fait les Pigmés fouirs et entrer encore plus dans le dedans de la fôret;question de se sentir en paix,en harmonie avec la nature-vie qu'ils ont toujours vécues depuis les temps immémoriaux.
Il se passe que,les Camerounais dit modernes ayant des plantations gigantesques prennes petit-à-petit l'habitat naturel de ce peuple de la fôret. C'est ainsi que:
1-Ces pigmés se voient imposés des prix ridicules comme paiement pour des hectars de terrains vendus.
2-Leurs terres ne sont plus fertiles:conséquences de l'utilisation abusive d'engrais et de pesticides par ces plantations qui naissent de partout. Ceci à un point où même le Manioc qui est l'aliment de base de ces Pigmés-là ne pousse plus comme jadis.
Aussi,il a été découvert que nos frères Bantus installer comme auxilliares de l'administration gouvernementale là-bas,exercent sur ces Pigmés une forme de mini esclavage qui ne dit pas son nom. Ce qui fait les Pigmés fouirs et entrer encore plus dans le dedans de la fôret;question de se sentir en paix,en harmonie avec la nature-vie qu'ils ont toujours vécues depuis les temps immémoriaux.
mardi 16 octobre 2012
Deaf Girls And Women Denounce The Bad Guys Who Raped Them And Went Free
Overhere in Yaounde just like in other cities in the country,our deaf brothers and sisters are completely abandoned to themselves when it comes to meeting up with the needs of their handicap.
Governmental institutions only think of them on the international day of handicaped persons which happens once a year on the third day of december. On this very official day,beautiful speeches are made. Yet,no permanent solution is seen.
Nevertheless,the church has really decided to give some consideration to these audio deficient persons. And,this is how some young interpreters in sign language give a helping hand taking upon themselves the tast to do Bible studies to the deaf so that they eventually get baptised,take the first holy communion,and confirmation too. Thess interpreters have worked so well to the extent that there now exist a Catholic deaf community in the Yaounde Arch-diocese recognised by the Arch-bishop.
Also,these interpreters favour extra church activities which help these deaf get integrated in the society just like any other non-handicap person.
That not withstanding,from a survey carried out,it was discovered that deaf girls and women constitute the ideal target of rapists. These criminals go for deaf girls knowing they cannot talk and therefore are incomprehensible vis-a-vis the common layman in the society. But,in association with a feminist organisation,these dedicated interpreters make these deaf girls and women talk so that they denounce the bad guys who raped them and went free.
The bad thing in all this good work is that these interpreters receive no help. For the past 12years now,they have been using old,out-dated books to teach the deaf. Hence,not up to date with the rest of the world. These interpreters have tried hard to creat a deaf training centre in Yaounde but,they are faced with problems like:
a lack of laptop computers-given deafs function with images
a lack of video projectors-used to show images to a maximumnumber of persons at the same time.
a lack of modern books and DVDs-materials that are used to teach.
The truth is,these interpreters need your help. If you find it in your heart that you can give a help,go ahead and contact them.
Governmental institutions only think of them on the international day of handicaped persons which happens once a year on the third day of december. On this very official day,beautiful speeches are made. Yet,no permanent solution is seen.
Nevertheless,the church has really decided to give some consideration to these audio deficient persons. And,this is how some young interpreters in sign language give a helping hand taking upon themselves the tast to do Bible studies to the deaf so that they eventually get baptised,take the first holy communion,and confirmation too. Thess interpreters have worked so well to the extent that there now exist a Catholic deaf community in the Yaounde Arch-diocese recognised by the Arch-bishop.
Also,these interpreters favour extra church activities which help these deaf get integrated in the society just like any other non-handicap person.
That not withstanding,from a survey carried out,it was discovered that deaf girls and women constitute the ideal target of rapists. These criminals go for deaf girls knowing they cannot talk and therefore are incomprehensible vis-a-vis the common layman in the society. But,in association with a feminist organisation,these dedicated interpreters make these deaf girls and women talk so that they denounce the bad guys who raped them and went free.
The bad thing in all this good work is that these interpreters receive no help. For the past 12years now,they have been using old,out-dated books to teach the deaf. Hence,not up to date with the rest of the world. These interpreters have tried hard to creat a deaf training centre in Yaounde but,they are faced with problems like:
a lack of laptop computers-given deafs function with images
a lack of video projectors-used to show images to a maximumnumber of persons at the same time.
a lack of modern books and DVDs-materials that are used to teach.
The truth is,these interpreters need your help. If you find it in your heart that you can give a help,go ahead and contact them.
lundi 10 septembre 2012
Internet Wise, Cameroon Is A Very Bad Student
Disgraceful news but true. According to the worldwide web foundation,Cameroon is amongst the last ten countries in Africa when it comes to internet usage. The classification showsin a list of 64 African countries, Cameroon is in the 54th position.
Now,given Internet is essentially freedon of speech,this showsthatthe administration in place is not strongly in favour to promote the widespread use of this instrument of communication.
That said,vis-à-vis this negative situation,something positive has to be done
Now,given Internet is essentially freedon of speech,this showsthatthe administration in place is not strongly in favour to promote the widespread use of this instrument of communication.
That said,vis-à-vis this negative situation,something positive has to be done
mardi 14 août 2012
La Rose-Croix D'or Joue Son Joker
De part le formidable travail des églises traditionnelles<Catholique,Baptiste,Presbytérienne>,ajouter à cela le fracas des nouvelles églises dites Pentécôtistes,le mirobolant des loges sectaires chez nous aujourd'hui se retrouve au plus mal;réduite en bas de page.
De son côté,la franc-maçonnerie a completement ravi la védette a sa rivale la rose-croix.
Voyant la situation se dégrader,cette dernière se lance dans une vaste opération de charme;question d'avoir des fidèles pour le futur. Sinon,disparaitre.
De son côté,la franc-maçonnerie a completement ravi la védette a sa rivale la rose-croix.
Voyant la situation se dégrader,cette dernière se lance dans une vaste opération de charme;question d'avoir des fidèles pour le futur. Sinon,disparaitre.
lundi 6 août 2012
A Wind Of Assassinations Blows Over Our Journalists
For some time now,a number of journalists in our country have been dieing in very obscure ways. Our security officials since ordered investigations. But,what is dramatic about these official investigations on the death of our brave journalists is that,up till date,no results have been released in-order to get the public opinion informed of who is responsible.
Unavoidably,stories of assassinations are now sprouting here and there.
Some say it is the journalists themselves who pay for the assassination of their fellow kind or colleagues.
Unavoidably,stories of assassinations are now sprouting here and there.
Some say it is the journalists themselves who pay for the assassination of their fellow kind or colleagues.
Our Minister Of Communication Versus The BBC
Upon a financial aid program initiated by the president of the republic with the objective of helping national cameroonian communication entreprises in the country. That is,<Newspapers,Radio stations and televisions>
By some kind of Al-chemistry,our minister of communication and his entourage produced a list with the names of communication entreprises and the amount of money they received as aid.
Based on this list,the BBC is said to have received 20 million cfa francs.
Having heard this,the BBC reacts vehemently saying it received nothing. Not a single franc.
Now,our distracted minister has written a letter of apology vis-à-vis the BBC.
The question is,is this a real mistake or manipulation?
By some kind of Al-chemistry,our minister of communication and his entourage produced a list with the names of communication entreprises and the amount of money they received as aid.
Based on this list,the BBC is said to have received 20 million cfa francs.
Having heard this,the BBC reacts vehemently saying it received nothing. Not a single franc.
Now,our distracted minister has written a letter of apology vis-à-vis the BBC.
The question is,is this a real mistake or manipulation?
vendredi 3 août 2012
Journalist Reveals H I V Treatment And Is Making Miracles
The well known journalist Bosco Tchoubet-Director of one the city's most popular radio stations has engaged himself in the healing of H I V aids patients in the capital city and everywhere else in the country.
In some kind of mockery,most of his journalist friends call him Doctor Tchoubet. Yet,he stands his grounds as he has with him a great number of patients he has treated. All these with medical proof about his work. Without any fear of repercussions,this wonderful man says in the near future,he is going to organise a press conference to publicly talk of his work.
In some kind of mockery,most of his journalist friends call him Doctor Tchoubet. Yet,he stands his grounds as he has with him a great number of patients he has treated. All these with medical proof about his work. Without any fear of repercussions,this wonderful man says in the near future,he is going to organise a press conference to publicly talk of his work.
lundi 30 juillet 2012
Ghana: A Superb Example In The Continent
When it comes to domestic politics and constitutional respects,Ghana is way infront of all others in the continent. Thus,their recognition as an avant-garde country.
Lately,we have seen the new president take office in an absolutely calm political and social environment. No massive contestations,no rambling and shouting here and there.
Vis-à-vis all the horrible stories we see and hear in the continent,Ghana's story stands out as a political heaven.
I hope this heaven will spread quite rapidly and contaminate the entire continent.
Lately,we have seen the new president take office in an absolutely calm political and social environment. No massive contestations,no rambling and shouting here and there.
Vis-à-vis all the horrible stories we see and hear in the continent,Ghana's story stands out as a political heaven.
I hope this heaven will spread quite rapidly and contaminate the entire continent.
samedi 14 juillet 2012
The Kimberly Process Has Come To Us
At last,the very V.I.P club of diamond affairs and businesses has decided to put its stamp on the diamond productions that will be carried out out here.
If everything goes on well,a great number of my fellow countrymen and women will henceforth eat and sleep diamonds. That is,diamons will officially contribute in our country's economy. And for sure,it will not be blood diamonds.
So,this is an invitation to all diamond loving people. Be you a merchant or an adventurer.
This time around,our ladies are going to glitter in diamonds of all sorts and carats. I am really a partisan to this kind of wishful thinking. Just wait and see. You can't beat the reach.
If everything goes on well,a great number of my fellow countrymen and women will henceforth eat and sleep diamonds. That is,diamons will officially contribute in our country's economy. And for sure,it will not be blood diamonds.
So,this is an invitation to all diamond loving people. Be you a merchant or an adventurer.
This time around,our ladies are going to glitter in diamonds of all sorts and carats. I am really a partisan to this kind of wishful thinking. Just wait and see. You can't beat the reach.
vendredi 13 juillet 2012
Initiative Pour La transparence Dans Les Industries Extractives
En ce qui concerne les industries d'extraction minières d'une part et les industries d'extractions pétrolières d'autre part,le Cameroun vient de rater pour la 3eme fois son examen d'entrer à l'initiative I.T.I.E de la Banque Mondiale qui certifie que les revenus issues des industries extractives son redistribuer équitablement à toute les couches de la société.
Ceci prouve le degré de floue et d'opacité dans lequel les transactions en ce qui concerne les industries extractives fonctionnent dans notre pays.
Ceci prouve le degré de floue et d'opacité dans lequel les transactions en ce qui concerne les industries extractives fonctionnent dans notre pays.
lundi 9 juillet 2012
Port De Douala: Descente Aux Enfers
Ici chez nous,juste après l'indépendance,l'infrastructure était considérée parmi les plus grandes fiertées du pays parce que utiliser aussi par les pays voisins à nous.
Cet état des choses a fait prendre la grosse tête à nos autoritées qui ont décidées de revoir les prix à la hausse en ce qui concerne toute transaction-même les plus insignifiantes.
Du coup,le port est devenu un nid de voleur de tout genre avec des réseaux de traffiques tentaculaires. Les autoritées du port s'en mettent plein les poches tant dis que les usagers pleurent.
Maintenant,voici le port de Pointe Noire<Congo> qui vient de surplanter notre port nationale sur tous les plans. Que ce soit sur l'éfficacité ou de la productivité. Là-bas,les prix sont revues à la baisse. Conséquences,les Camerounais les moins aisés préfèrent faire transiter leurs marchandises par le port de Pointe Noire et puis prendre la route pour entrer au Cameroun. Même si la route devient deux fois plus longue.
En ce qui concerne nos autoritées,elles n'ont pas hontes,elles ne sont pas génées. Elles préfèrent adopter courageusement la politique de l'Otruche.
Cet état des choses a fait prendre la grosse tête à nos autoritées qui ont décidées de revoir les prix à la hausse en ce qui concerne toute transaction-même les plus insignifiantes.
Du coup,le port est devenu un nid de voleur de tout genre avec des réseaux de traffiques tentaculaires. Les autoritées du port s'en mettent plein les poches tant dis que les usagers pleurent.
Maintenant,voici le port de Pointe Noire<Congo> qui vient de surplanter notre port nationale sur tous les plans. Que ce soit sur l'éfficacité ou de la productivité. Là-bas,les prix sont revues à la baisse. Conséquences,les Camerounais les moins aisés préfèrent faire transiter leurs marchandises par le port de Pointe Noire et puis prendre la route pour entrer au Cameroun. Même si la route devient deux fois plus longue.
En ce qui concerne nos autoritées,elles n'ont pas hontes,elles ne sont pas génées. Elles préfèrent adopter courageusement la politique de l'Otruche.
samedi 30 juin 2012
He Says Obama's Ancestors Are Here
The persistent and very interesting researcher Démosthène Raphael Messanga strikes public opinion once again.
Upon his work,he maintains he has discovered the ancestral family grounds of the US president Barack Obama as well as up till date family relatives.
Despite many trials and tribulations,this researcher is set at making his research findings known to the whole world. This is seen as he multiplies interviews in many media houses in and out of the country.
The truth is,in some pictures presented by this researcher,there exist out-standing resemblance between Barack Obama and these indegenous people. And,the ancestral family grounds have become a touristic site. If you feel like visiting,i will take you there.
Upon his work,he maintains he has discovered the ancestral family grounds of the US president Barack Obama as well as up till date family relatives.
Despite many trials and tribulations,this researcher is set at making his research findings known to the whole world. This is seen as he multiplies interviews in many media houses in and out of the country.
The truth is,in some pictures presented by this researcher,there exist out-standing resemblance between Barack Obama and these indegenous people. And,the ancestral family grounds have become a touristic site. If you feel like visiting,i will take you there.
samedi 16 juin 2012
Prostitutes Near The President's House
Overhere in our capital city,government officials display a very high and considerable degree of carelessness.
A junction-tha Etoudi junction,a distance of about 300 metres away from the presidency-the president's official residence. Slowly but steadily,prostitutes have gained grounds and invaded a government strategic place of first importance.
When it's night time,the street life overthere is at it's best. One could imagine he\she is in a trade fair with all the merry making that goes with it.
Journalists have animated live radio shows,used other communication techniques yet,officials in-charge of the city's well-being are nowhere to be found in action against this odd situation.
A junction-tha Etoudi junction,a distance of about 300 metres away from the presidency-the president's official residence. Slowly but steadily,prostitutes have gained grounds and invaded a government strategic place of first importance.
When it's night time,the street life overthere is at it's best. One could imagine he\she is in a trade fair with all the merry making that goes with it.
Journalists have animated live radio shows,used other communication techniques yet,officials in-charge of the city's well-being are nowhere to be found in action against this odd situation.
As They Make Compete Faith Versus Commodity
In our place here,Bishops are glad to announce to their fellow brethren that new parishes and cathedrals will be built so as to satisfy the immense population demands of the people who believe in a church.
Overseas,especially in Europe,Bishops are forced to announce to their fellow brethren that parishes,
cathedrals and monastries will be sold to satisfy the ever-increasing cost of maintainance compared to the small number of people who come regularly to pray and thus,believe in the church.
Making analysis of this situation,if in about 100 years to come our Bishops too will find themselves forced to sell the parishes,cathedrals and monastries they are building today,then they should be faie enough to alert their brethren that their faith too will not last for more than 100 years. Count down starting now.
Overseas,especially in Europe,Bishops are forced to announce to their fellow brethren that parishes,
cathedrals and monastries will be sold to satisfy the ever-increasing cost of maintainance compared to the small number of people who come regularly to pray and thus,believe in the church.
Making analysis of this situation,if in about 100 years to come our Bishops too will find themselves forced to sell the parishes,cathedrals and monastries they are building today,then they should be faie enough to alert their brethren that their faith too will not last for more than 100 years. Count down starting now.
jeudi 14 juin 2012
Les Dames Du Président Hollande
Dans le cocoon-vie privé du président Hollande,il y a deux femmes qui se livrent à une guerre froide qui ne dit pas son nom.
Même le plus mauvais Psy au monde vous dira que l'acte qu'a posé la première dame s'appelle
<un lapsus révélateur>
Une manière de faire qui est caractéristique des femmes qui se retrouvent dans une situation de compétition voir de polygamie.
Le fait d'encourager l'opposant de Ségolène Royale démontre qu'elle s'affirme comme celle qui est à la une. Et,c'est à l'autre de comprendre le message.
Même le plus mauvais Psy au monde vous dira que l'acte qu'a posé la première dame s'appelle
<un lapsus révélateur>
Une manière de faire qui est caractéristique des femmes qui se retrouvent dans une situation de compétition voir de polygamie.
Le fait d'encourager l'opposant de Ségolène Royale démontre qu'elle s'affirme comme celle qui est à la une. Et,c'est à l'autre de comprendre le message.
jeudi 3 mai 2012
Especially Through Being Ridiculous
This day,over the BBC,i heard the names of Equatorial Guinea,Erithrea,Rwanda,Uganda,Swaziland,Zambia and Zimbabwe. As it was said,the king and heads of state of these countries were qualified as not being sympathetic vis-à-vis press freedom. Not so surprised,i did not hear my country's name.
The truth is,in my country there is press freedom. But,the question is,which kind of press freedom?
-The answer is,-Comical press freedom.
Now,according to the Oxford dictionary of current English,the adjective<comical> is defined as <causing laughter especially through being ridiculous>
Again,in the defination of the adjective comical there is the word <ridiculous> Ridiculous which is defined as <causing mockery or derision,absurd>
Yes,Comical and Ridiculous. This is exactly where my country's press freedom is. Ofcourse,beautifully orchestrated by our authorities,-the people in command.
The truth is,in my country there is press freedom. But,the question is,which kind of press freedom?
-The answer is,-Comical press freedom.
Now,according to the Oxford dictionary of current English,the adjective<comical> is defined as <causing laughter especially through being ridiculous>
Again,in the defination of the adjective comical there is the word <ridiculous> Ridiculous which is defined as <causing mockery or derision,absurd>
Yes,Comical and Ridiculous. This is exactly where my country's press freedom is. Ofcourse,beautifully orchestrated by our authorities,-the people in command.
vendredi 13 avril 2012
Desperate Police Unfit Women
On wednesday April 11,upon visiting my shoe mender,i was sitted on the same bench with two police women who were in full conversation. What struck my attention was that their conversation was essentially complains vis-à-vis their work. This is what they said
-This job does not give me time. It gets on my nerves
-I can not put on the beautiful dresses i have at home.
-Everyday,i have to be in uniform.
-My body is all tired and broken.
And they terminated the conversation by mentioning the nasty corrupt practice they are used to doing as they said:
-Everybody wants to leave this Central No 2 Police District.
-If i see the network to pay so that i be transfered out of Central No 2,i will pay
-Everybody else does it.
It is to this last statement that i understood the kind of corrupt world in which our police men and women live. No place for merit;given they portray their gross incompetence at work..
-This job does not give me time. It gets on my nerves
-I can not put on the beautiful dresses i have at home.
-Everyday,i have to be in uniform.
-My body is all tired and broken.
And they terminated the conversation by mentioning the nasty corrupt practice they are used to doing as they said:
-Everybody wants to leave this Central No 2 Police District.
-If i see the network to pay so that i be transfered out of Central No 2,i will pay
-Everybody else does it.
It is to this last statement that i understood the kind of corrupt world in which our police men and women live. No place for merit;given they portray their gross incompetence at work..
lundi 26 mars 2012
Police Academy Cameroon
Unfortunately for us,the kind of policemen and women we have overhere are more than catastrophi. Hence,the analogy made with the famous comic movie-Police Academy.
In the early hours of this day,a young man was found dead in the waters of the Yaounde municipal lake. Fire fighters came,removed the dead body from the waters and put it at the disposal of the police for investigations to be done.
There and then came a lady who moved right next to the dead bodylying on the ground, took-off all her clothes and when completely naked,began taking her bath in the lake waters flowing down-stream. Having finished bathing,she dressed-up and off she went.
To the greatest disgust of city dwellers and passers-by,the police officers present did nothing. No questioning or arrestation made. On the contrary,they were mere spectators appreciating the nakedness of of this mysterious woman
As for the dead body,it was still lying on the ground. For,it did not provide an attractive site like that of the naked woman. Shame on our police
In the early hours of this day,a young man was found dead in the waters of the Yaounde municipal lake. Fire fighters came,removed the dead body from the waters and put it at the disposal of the police for investigations to be done.
There and then came a lady who moved right next to the dead bodylying on the ground, took-off all her clothes and when completely naked,began taking her bath in the lake waters flowing down-stream. Having finished bathing,she dressed-up and off she went.
To the greatest disgust of city dwellers and passers-by,the police officers present did nothing. No questioning or arrestation made. On the contrary,they were mere spectators appreciating the nakedness of of this mysterious woman
As for the dead body,it was still lying on the ground. For,it did not provide an attractive site like that of the naked woman. Shame on our police
lundi 19 mars 2012
Germany Tries The Mix
In past times,Europe had seen Cardinals hold top political functions. This time aound in Germany,after the resignation of president Wulf,the new man in place as head of state is a Pas tor.
- I wonder what made this pastor <Man of God> accept to take upon himself the office of president?
-With all the protocol that has to do with being a president,will this man still have time for his Sheep?-given he is a sheperd<pastor>
The truth is,he can no longer be the examplary pastor he used to be. For as History has shown us,religion mixed with politics produces excellent Hypocrites. Nothing to do with God's kind.
But,vis-à-vis our case study and for the benefit of doubt,now is no comment time. Wait and see. He may be different.
- I wonder what made this pastor <Man of God> accept to take upon himself the office of president?
-With all the protocol that has to do with being a president,will this man still have time for his Sheep?-given he is a sheperd<pastor>
The truth is,he can no longer be the examplary pastor he used to be. For as History has shown us,religion mixed with politics produces excellent Hypocrites. Nothing to do with God's kind.
But,vis-à-vis our case study and for the benefit of doubt,now is no comment time. Wait and see. He may be different.
samedi 10 mars 2012
Renegade Officials And Authorities
Overhere,our top government officials and other directors and C.E.Os of para-public companies all pay allegiance to the big boss in a way only they understand.
Hence,it is traditional music to hear an official during a 5 minutes speech,chant the name of the big boss about 350 times. Not a single official speaks without this ritual.
Having noticed this very unusual practice characteristic to our officials,people now crack jokes and make fun of it. <Kaiser Show>
Our officials know not what is resignation. They do not have the culture of handing-in their letters of resignation vis-à-vis situations of gross incompetence.Thus,many of them commit havoc which makes populations cry. But,so long as the big boss says nothing,it is play-on.
As for the crying populations,they just have to catch as catch can.
Hence,it is traditional music to hear an official during a 5 minutes speech,chant the name of the big boss about 350 times. Not a single official speaks without this ritual.
Having noticed this very unusual practice characteristic to our officials,people now crack jokes and make fun of it. <Kaiser Show>
Our officials know not what is resignation. They do not have the culture of handing-in their letters of resignation vis-à-vis situations of gross incompetence.Thus,many of them commit havoc which makes populations cry. But,so long as the big boss says nothing,it is play-on.
As for the crying populations,they just have to catch as catch can.
mercredi 7 mars 2012
Droguer A La Dépense Publique
Notez la phrase ci-dessus parce que c'est comme cela que Nicolas Sarkozy qualifie son contradicteur <haut commis de l'état français> lors d'un débat télévisé-Des paroles et des Actes.
Chez nous,c'est une pratique commune aux gens d'en haut; leurs sport nationale. Et donc,il y a des personnes ici qui volontiers aux vues de tout le monde vendrons leurs mères pour avoir accès aux différents postes prestigieux de notre pays. Sachant que une fois installer dans leurs fonctions,elles vont se droguer,se shooter financièrement au maximum jusqu'à atteindre le Nirvana de l'argent.
Ce qui produit chez nous des fonctionnaires toxico-mans multi-milliardaires accros aux deniers publics et pour couronner le tout,se prennes pour des célébrités.
Malheureusement,Nicolas Sarkozy n'est pas ici pour les amenés dans des centres spécialisés de désintoxication. Quel dommage...
Chez nous,c'est une pratique commune aux gens d'en haut; leurs sport nationale. Et donc,il y a des personnes ici qui volontiers aux vues de tout le monde vendrons leurs mères pour avoir accès aux différents postes prestigieux de notre pays. Sachant que une fois installer dans leurs fonctions,elles vont se droguer,se shooter financièrement au maximum jusqu'à atteindre le Nirvana de l'argent.
Ce qui produit chez nous des fonctionnaires toxico-mans multi-milliardaires accros aux deniers publics et pour couronner le tout,se prennes pour des célébrités.
Malheureusement,Nicolas Sarkozy n'est pas ici pour les amenés dans des centres spécialisés de désintoxication. Quel dommage...
mardi 6 mars 2012
Government Death \ Dead Hospital.
People,this is very unfortunate but once again,our country's most popular and most official hospital has become a dead zone;if not to say hell.
The hospital's staff have all gone on a strike which is in its second day today. The medical practitioners <men and women> working there cry of a lack of working materials; inhuman working conditions worth the slave trade era and to crown it all, black market practices created and gaining within the hospital;this reserved only for the unscrupulous administrators who form a clan.
The only thing the lower staff can see is money disappearing.
Now,given the hospital is at a stand still,the sick persons in there have 2 options presentedto them.
Eitherthey sleep intheir hospital beds and die,or they carry their sick and afflicted souls out.
Nothing to do with heaven.
The hospital's staff have all gone on a strike which is in its second day today. The medical practitioners <men and women> working there cry of a lack of working materials; inhuman working conditions worth the slave trade era and to crown it all, black market practices created and gaining within the hospital;this reserved only for the unscrupulous administrators who form a clan.
The only thing the lower staff can see is money disappearing.
Now,given the hospital is at a stand still,the sick persons in there have 2 options presentedto them.
Eitherthey sleep intheir hospital beds and die,or they carry their sick and afflicted souls out.
Nothing to do with heaven.
samedi 3 mars 2012
Porous Boundaries Have Led To Elephant Massacre
I write these words with sadness as a nature loving person and disdain for our authorities because it appears
Ivory traffic criminal organisations have found a fertile ground to come fetch their buttin without any hindrance of any kind.
Hundreds of elephants are shot dead and their tusks cut-off and transported without any official of our very own national reserve being aware or any clash between those on the good side against those on the bad side.
It is downright unnatural that up this moment i am writing you,no person has been held responsible for this macabre act.
Yet,the fact is that,there are hundreds of elephant carcasses in one of our country's natural reserves.
The truth is,there is something fishy behind this.
Ivory traffic criminal organisations have found a fertile ground to come fetch their buttin without any hindrance of any kind.
Hundreds of elephants are shot dead and their tusks cut-off and transported without any official of our very own national reserve being aware or any clash between those on the good side against those on the bad side.
It is downright unnatural that up this moment i am writing you,no person has been held responsible for this macabre act.
Yet,the fact is that,there are hundreds of elephant carcasses in one of our country's natural reserves.
The truth is,there is something fishy behind this.
mercredi 22 février 2012
The Intellectual Sheep \ Les moutons Intellectuels
This letter is addressed to all Reverend fathers,Pastors and Sheperds of all christian denominations.
In the past,you Reverend Fathers and Pastors were the recognised intellectuals in our society. But,it is now a fact that a greater number of your sheep <Analogy made with respect to a sheperd and his work>,your brethren have now gone through the thick and thin of school and have eventually become intellectuals as yourself;if not more than you.
So,i beg of you <Reverend Fathers and Pastors>. Avoid to always ex-communicate or deposit your intellectual brethren. On the contrary,develop with them strategies to make the church grow. Because,the truth is,though intellectuals,there is a great number of these people who believe in God and have decided to express this belief via the church. Please,do not forget that you <Reverend Father,Pastor> are a mere mortal human being. But,the christian ideology will last for ever and ever.
In the past,you Reverend Fathers and Pastors were the recognised intellectuals in our society. But,it is now a fact that a greater number of your sheep <Analogy made with respect to a sheperd and his work>,your brethren have now gone through the thick and thin of school and have eventually become intellectuals as yourself;if not more than you.
So,i beg of you <Reverend Fathers and Pastors>. Avoid to always ex-communicate or deposit your intellectual brethren. On the contrary,develop with them strategies to make the church grow. Because,the truth is,though intellectuals,there is a great number of these people who believe in God and have decided to express this belief via the church. Please,do not forget that you <Reverend Father,Pastor> are a mere mortal human being. But,the christian ideology will last for ever and ever.
dimanche 19 février 2012
Bis repetita. Europe Scrambles For Africa Again
History holds it thatEuropean countries used to be our colonial masters.
Now,most of these ancient masters are becoming begging debtors standing before their old time colonies pleading for mercy.
This is seen as Portugal, now one of the ugly ducklings in Europe <financially speaking> is officially sponsored and maintained to life by an African territory-a petrolium exporting country for that matter.
This brings to light the real state of affairs and definition of Europe today. <Money changing hands>
Now,most of these ancient masters are becoming begging debtors standing before their old time colonies pleading for mercy.
This is seen as Portugal, now one of the ugly ducklings in Europe <financially speaking> is officially sponsored and maintained to life by an African territory-a petrolium exporting country for that matter.
This brings to light the real state of affairs and definition of Europe today. <Money changing hands>
lundi 13 février 2012
Love Comes Down With Apt Devotion
One week ahead of february 14,these sisters of ours transform and like Cinderella,they portray characteristics of exemplary girlfriends to be,examplary wives to be.
All this with the single aimof receiving handsome cash prizes from the men who come their way. Nothing to do with sentimental gifts.
Unfortunately for love,a great number of men spend Lover's Day with complete strangers and the consuming envy of having sex with a new and different partner. No love in the air.
So,fellow loving people. Think twice. Stick to your longtime friend,your real girlfriend. Your fiancé to be and your futture wife.
Have a nice time.
samedi 11 février 2012
Arch-bishop Stated In Salary Non-payment Affair
An ex-employee of a petrolium exploiting company overhere says the metropolitan Arch-bishop of Yaounde who occupies the post of <chairman of the board of directors> and other top officials of the company are playing him around;not wanting to pay his rights which sum up to 14 million cfa francs. All this not respecting the decision of our country's supreme court.
Now,as a catholic christian,i am perplexed.
What say you about this?
Now,as a catholic christian,i am perplexed.
What say you about this?
jeudi 26 janvier 2012
Sex Expert Reverend sister
I do not understand
What is it that makes a Reverend sister who is a consacrated Virgin go study Sexology in a University up to the level of Doctorate degree and then,comes to tell me she knows what Sex is all about.
That she is a Sexologist.
Does this approach make sense to you?
One could say the catholic church has adopted the use of Amazones like was practised in our ancient times.
Is this the Vatican's new method?
What is it that makes a Reverend sister who is a consacrated Virgin go study Sexology in a University up to the level of Doctorate degree and then,comes to tell me she knows what Sex is all about.
That she is a Sexologist.
Does this approach make sense to you?
One could say the catholic church has adopted the use of Amazones like was practised in our ancient times.
Is this the Vatican's new method?
mercredi 25 janvier 2012
Make Projections And Bake Them Hard
Nigerian Islamists Are Near Us Just Across The Border
Since the years of independence,our country has always had religious tolerance and stability.
I write these words for our security officials to read and take note.
Please do not let them <islamists> infiltrate our social wealth-peace that is.
This is no time for laxity or cowardice. Protect our country-<The chariot of the gods>,<Africa in miniature>, <Haven of peace in the very centre of the African continent>
As peace is the best asset of a nation who wants development.
Since the years of independence,our country has always had religious tolerance and stability.
I write these words for our security officials to read and take note.
Please do not let them <islamists> infiltrate our social wealth-peace that is.
This is no time for laxity or cowardice. Protect our country-<The chariot of the gods>,<Africa in miniature>, <Haven of peace in the very centre of the African continent>
As peace is the best asset of a nation who wants development.
lundi 16 janvier 2012
The Arch-bishop Is In Disgrace
Yesterday,His Lordship in his <Big day> sermon,pin-poi,ted the fact thatin our country's most official prison,amongst a dense population of 4000 inmates, 60 percent of these men\women are catholic christians.
Now,is it that the catholic church educates rascals?
I wonder what are the statistics of Mexico city,Paris,Madrid,Brazilia and Lisbon.
Are they as rough as the one in my place?
Now,is it that the catholic church educates rascals?
I wonder what are the statistics of Mexico city,Paris,Madrid,Brazilia and Lisbon.
Are they as rough as the one in my place?
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