Overhere in Yaounde just like in other cities in the country,our deaf brothers and sisters are completely abandoned to themselves when it comes to meeting up with the needs of their handicap.
Governmental institutions only think of them on the international day of handicaped persons which happens once a year on the third day of december. On this very official day,beautiful speeches are made. Yet,no permanent solution is seen.
Nevertheless,the church has really decided to give some consideration to these audio deficient persons. And,this is how some young interpreters in sign language give a helping hand taking upon themselves the tast to do Bible studies to the deaf so that they eventually get baptised,take the first holy communion,and confirmation too. Thess interpreters have worked so well to the extent that there now exist a Catholic deaf community in the Yaounde Arch-diocese recognised by the Arch-bishop.
Also,these interpreters favour extra church activities which help these deaf get integrated in the society just like any other non-handicap person.
That not withstanding,from a survey carried out,it was discovered that deaf girls and women constitute the ideal target of rapists. These criminals go for deaf girls knowing they cannot talk and therefore are incomprehensible vis-a-vis the common layman in the society. But,in association with a feminist organisation,these dedicated interpreters make these deaf girls and women talk so that they denounce the bad guys who raped them and went free.
The bad thing in all this good work is that these interpreters receive no help. For the past 12years now,they have been using old,out-dated books to teach the deaf. Hence,not up to date with the rest of the world. These interpreters have tried hard to creat a deaf training centre in Yaounde but,they are faced with problems like:
a lack of laptop computers-given deafs function with images
a lack of video projectors-used to show images to a maximumnumber of persons at the same time.
a lack of modern books and DVDs-materials that are used to teach.
The truth is,these interpreters need your help. If you find it in your heart that you can give a help,go ahead and contact them.
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