lundi 12 mai 2014

The Good, The Bad, And The Church Goers

The church : a gathering regarded in the superlative and nevertheless as God’s treasure house. Common sense makes it that every man or woman who takes his or her time-off to go to church is obviously a God fearing person.
Yet, in the world of social relations and realities, this scenario has nothing to do with why many go to church. This makes intelligent, literate and intellectual people promptly conclude that the situation is more than enough inspirational material for research and eventually some storytelling of tales, myths ands legends. Below is a true story. I hope you understand it...
On a blessed Sunday morning, « Mr Joe » is getting set to go to church. Having put on his beautiful Sunday clothes and shoes, he heads out of the house saying « i am on my way to church ». But while on the road, « Mr Joe » realises he has forgotten something. He moves back to the house in order to do what he had forgotten. His objective is that his wife and son living in the same house should not watch television, listen to the radio, or use the electric iron to press their clothes. He puts-off the house’s electric power supply and this time around, confidently marches his way to church.
At times, i feel like beating up most of the people i see in the church. Due to their underground, clandestine  and even open actions done amongst all prayerful people or not. But, there is one question that stands out clear.
-Who gives me the right to go ahead and beat them up ?  The answer my friend, just like the wind, is blowing way in the middle of the air.
Deep down in me, i know i have the right my common sense gives me. I am literally disgusted to see to what extent some people deviatefrom the basics [common rule] of going to church.
All the same, this common sense makes me receive great consolation and therefore, automatically, i calm myself. As it helps me really understand the insights of the saying that goes like this : « Cmmon sense is not common ».