mardi 11 juin 2013

As Official Documents Keep Disappearing...

Gross Infamy…
These two words describe best the situation we live.
A very negative practice which does not help us build our social and political environments. Instead, it enlarges the gap between honest citizens on one side and unscrupulous administrators on the other.
Overhere in Cameroon, in our country’s different ministries and other state owned corporations, unscrupulous civil servants [thieves of works of the spirit who have no respect for intellectual propriety rights] have transformed the shameful act of extracting sensitive documents ; to make it become a very lucrative business in which they excel. Especially when it is to protect top functionaries who swim in corrupt practices.
Lately, i introduced  a straight-forward, sensitive and pertinent document for our ministry of post and telecommunications to see into the matter. But, because this document concerns a giant multi-national telecommunications company [MTN], i saw my documents disappear leaving no trace, no sign. In the whole ministry, nobody knows the where-abouts of my documents.
It is this ugly phenomenon that gives a hard time for civil society organisations like the one i preside to bring solutions, to help citizens. Immediately, it comes out clear that most of our top government officials want us to remain in poverty like what you see in the photograph [the place where a civil society organisation holds its reunions].
Knowing that administration and bureaucracy has to do with paper work. With this kind of anti-progressist practices,
1-How is the country going to move out of poverty ?
2-How is the judiciary system going to do its work when proofs disappear in police stations and law courts ? 

dimanche 9 juin 2013

When Poverty Paves The Way To Faith

In abject poverty, populations have no other choice but to stick to that whichich is displayed to them. Here, it is the faith in a miracle working God. As you can see in the photo graph, the young mother is in total despair. According to her story, the baby spent the night crying for no reason. And, as situations make things, she does not have money to take the child to hospital.
Automatically, her thoughts are directed towards God's servant-the prophetess. You can see God's servant is casting demons away from the child's body.
For those of you who want to see the demons flee, note that even i who took the photograph saw nothing. But, i talk of of casting demons away because of the "warfare" and "battle field" kind of language the prophetess uses in her prayers.
NB: The mother did not take her child to a medical practitioner. So, do not expect a medical diagnosis and eventually some kind of medical treatment. Besides, the prophetess' bills are not as high as hospital bills. Upon her counselling, it's a matter of faith. You just have to believe.
For the story's man that i am, i guess i too have got to have faith so that this whole thing makes sense and help me understand. I guess much of the details will be mystifying news...