jeudi 29 novembre 2012
Emancipated "Trisomia 21" Spokeswoman
-This is Tatiana. A young girl suffering from "Trisomia 21"complications.
In total ignorance,coupled with the obsession of a loving parent who wants to do good to her daughter,Tatiana's mother made a very big mistake as she got this child enrolled in a primary school for normal children. The truth is,we cannot say "Tatiana was going to school". What we can say for sure is that,"Ttaina accompanied other children to school". We prefer saying so because,in that primary school,Tatiana spent 6years without being capable of learning how to hold a pencil-given her illness,talkless of how to write the letter "A".
Instead,she was the bizarre attraction within the school campus. Her classmates and other pupils made a mockery of her,frustrating the child to the extent that she stopped going to the schoolso as to have her peace of mind.
-It took the love and know-how of a specialised teacher who decided to take Tatiana and other patient children as students. Here,in a short laps of time,Tatiana had learnt how to hold a pencil and write.She now knows how to write all the letters of the alphabet and even her name.
-The finger in the nostrilis a characteristic sign of retarded brain development in "Trisomia 21"patients. Tatiana is 16 but,has the brain of a 9year old child. Imagine the kind of difficulties she faces vis-à-vis her peers! Hence the creation of a training and caring centre for children who have the same difficulties like Tatiana. Endeavour to give them a change in their lives,rather than keeping them at home 24hrs a day,7days a week. Giving them all sorts of odd and degrading things to do.
-Please,we beg of you. If you have a brother\sister suffering from"Trisomia 21"complications,do not let this person become a jackass.
mardi 6 novembre 2012
Gosses De Prévaricatuers

Elément dangereux dans tout ceci c'est que::
-Ces jeunes ne maitrisent pas bien la conduite sur nos routes.
-Pour les moins de 15 ans,lors des contrôles policiers,une fois leurs permis de conduire demander,ces enfants sortent la carte de visite de papa.
Et,parce que nos agents des forces de l'ordre,devant cette carte de visite,se savent tout petit. C'est ainsi qu'ils laissent circuler ces enfants de riches en toute impunité.
Et même quand un accident arrive,aucune enquête n'est ouverte,aucune responsabilité n'est établi.
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