This day,over the BBC,i heard the names of Equatorial Guinea,Erithrea,Rwanda,Uganda,Swaziland,Zambia and Zimbabwe. As it was said,the king and heads of state of these countries were qualified as not being sympathetic vis-à-vis press freedom. Not so surprised,i did not hear my country's name.
The truth is,in my country there is press freedom. But,the question is,which kind of press freedom?
-The answer is,-Comical press freedom.
Now,according to the Oxford dictionary of current English,the adjective<comical> is defined as <causing laughter especially through being ridiculous>
Again,in the defination of the adjective comical there is the word <ridiculous> Ridiculous which is defined as <causing mockery or derision,absurd>
Yes,Comical and Ridiculous. This is exactly where my country's press freedom is. Ofcourse,beautifully orchestrated by our authorities,-the people in command.