lundi 26 mars 2012

Police Academy Cameroon

Unfortunately for us,the kind of policemen and women we have overhere are more than catastrophi. Hence,the analogy made with the famous comic movie-Police Academy.
In the early hours of this day,a young man was found dead in the waters of the Yaounde municipal lake. Fire fighters came,removed the dead body from the waters and put it at the disposal of the police for investigations to be done.
There and then came a lady who moved right next to the dead bodylying on the ground, took-off all her clothes and when completely naked,began taking her bath in the lake waters flowing down-stream. Having finished bathing,she dressed-up and off she went.
To the greatest disgust of city dwellers and passers-by,the police officers present did nothing. No questioning or arrestation made. On the contrary,they were mere spectators appreciating the nakedness of of this mysterious woman
As for the dead body,it was still lying on the ground. For,it did not provide an attractive site like that of the naked woman. Shame on our police

lundi 19 mars 2012

Germany Tries The Mix

In past times,Europe had seen Cardinals hold top political functions. This time aound in Germany,after the resignation of president Wulf,the new man in place as head of state is a Pas tor.
- I wonder what made this pastor <Man of God> accept to take upon himself the office of president?
-With all the protocol that has to do with being a president,will this man still have time for his Sheep?-given he is a sheperd<pastor>
The truth is,he can no longer be the examplary pastor he used to be. For as History has shown us,religion mixed with politics produces excellent Hypocrites. Nothing to do with God's kind.
But,vis-à-vis our case study and for the benefit of doubt,now is no comment time. Wait and see. He may be different.

samedi 10 mars 2012

Renegade Officials And Authorities

Overhere,our top government officials and other directors and C.E.Os of para-public companies all pay allegiance to the big boss in a way only they understand.
Hence,it is traditional music to hear an official during a 5 minutes speech,chant the name of the big boss about 350 times. Not a single official speaks without this ritual.
Having noticed this very unusual practice characteristic to our officials,people now crack jokes and make fun of it. <Kaiser Show>
Our officials know not what is resignation. They do not have the culture of handing-in their letters of resignation vis-à-vis situations of gross incompetence.Thus,many of them commit havoc which makes populations cry. But,so long as the big boss says nothing,it is play-on.
As for the crying populations,they just have to catch as catch can.

mercredi 7 mars 2012

Droguer A La Dépense Publique

Notez la phrase ci-dessus parce que c'est comme cela que Nicolas Sarkozy qualifie son contradicteur       <haut commis de l'état français>  lors d'un débat télévisé-Des paroles et des Actes.
Chez nous,c'est une pratique commune aux gens d'en haut; leurs sport nationale. Et donc,il y a des personnes ici qui volontiers aux vues de tout le monde vendrons leurs mères pour avoir accès aux différents postes prestigieux de notre pays. Sachant que une fois installer dans leurs fonctions,elles vont se droguer,se shooter financièrement au maximum jusqu'à atteindre le Nirvana de l'argent.
Ce qui produit chez nous des fonctionnaires toxico-mans multi-milliardaires accros aux deniers publics et pour couronner le tout,se prennes pour des célébrités.
Malheureusement,Nicolas Sarkozy n'est pas ici pour les amenés dans des centres spécialisés de désintoxication. Quel dommage...

mardi 6 mars 2012

Government Death \ Dead Hospital.

People,this is very unfortunate but once again,our country's most popular and most official hospital has become a dead zone;if not to say hell.
The hospital's staff have all gone on a strike which is in its second day today. The medical practitioners      <men and women> working there cry of a lack of working materials; inhuman working conditions worth the slave trade era and to crown it all, black market practices created and gaining within the hospital;this reserved only for the unscrupulous administrators who form a  clan.
The only thing the lower staff can see is money disappearing.
Now,given the hospital is at a stand still,the sick persons in there have 2 options presentedto them.
Eitherthey sleep intheir hospital beds and die,or they carry their sick and afflicted souls out.
Nothing to do with heaven.

samedi 3 mars 2012

Porous Boundaries Have Led To Elephant Massacre

I write these words with sadness as a nature loving person and disdain for our authorities because it appears
Ivory traffic criminal organisations have found a fertile ground to come fetch their buttin without any hindrance of any kind.
Hundreds of elephants are shot dead and their tusks cut-off and transported without any official of our very own national reserve being aware or any clash between those on the good side against those on the bad side.
It is downright unnatural that up this moment i am writing you,no person has been held responsible for this macabre act.
Yet,the fact is that,there are hundreds of elephant carcasses in one of our country's natural reserves.
The truth is,there is something fishy behind this.